
Showing posts from January, 2014

Aliens: Colonial Marines Review Type Thing

As a huge fan of anything Alien or Predator, this game is not worth playing. Even if you just want the "atmosphere" of Aliens, you won't find it here. The graphics are horrible at the highest settings (roughly 2003-4 era graphics), the acting and story is worse than a MST3K movie, and the Aliens are a joke. I tried, really tried, to give this a go since I got it for basically free and *supposedly* recent patches have improved it.... Don't be fooled, it is still a buggy crapfest. In just 40 minutes of playtime, I encountered five instances where aliens just got stuck and stood still as I blasted them. The aliens, when working, had two modes of attack - climb around the walls like a spaz and never attack me, and run up to me and stand in front of me for (what feels like an eternity) me to shoot in the face. To artificially add difficulty, the aliens basically instantly kill you if you do not have armor (even on the "Soldier" difficulty) and the M41A pulse